Kabupaten Katingan

The capital of Katingan Regency (Kabupaten) is the town of Kasongan, which is located in the district (Kecamatan) of Katingan Hilir. The regency is divided into 13 districts, namely: Katingan Kuala, Mendawai, Kamipang, Tasik Payawan, Katingan Hilir, Tewang Sangalang Garing, Malan Island, Central Katingan, Sanaman Mantikei, Petak Malai, Marikit, Katingan Hulu, and Bukit Raya. There are many villages in each district, and a total of 161 villages in the regency.

The YTS community development program, implemented on behalf of PT Kalimantan Surya Kencana, recently expanded its activities into nine villages in the kecamatan of Sanaman Mantikei. These villages are all located along the access road to the company’s exploration area, and are therefore most likely to experience the potential positive and negative impacts of any future mine development.