Segitiga Emas

The Golden Triangle has always been a central working principle for YTS, as it means involving the Community, Government and Private Sector as the main actors. At YTS, we believe that collaborations between these actors are crucial for successful development to take place.

  • The Community is at the center of the program, and is expected to retain ownership of the program and continue the work even after YTS leaves the area. Participation is the main working principle of the program, with a gradual handover of key responsibilities to eventually allow the community to manage the development process by itself.
  • The Local Government has the role of providing an enabling environment for sustainable community development, both through developing conducive policies and regulations, as well as ensuring effective coordination, mentoring and monitoring of the program.
  • The Private Sector refers to the involvement of various member companies of the CSR Forum that have their company operations in Gunung Mas and Katingan districts.

In 2015, YTS conducted a CSR Study on Policy Advocacy in the Gunung Mas District and achieved positive responses from all stakeholder groups – government, companies, and communities, and recommendations on good policies and guidelines for implementing District Regulations on CSR (Perda CSR). Here, YTS created a CSR Coordination Forum (CCF) initiative, which seeks to strengthen stakeholders’ engagement on CSR issues and to implement checks and balances on CSR contributions, for the achievement of specific development objectives.

The CSR Coordination Forum initiative, which started up towards the end of 2016, created an approved design for the Forum, as part of the CSR governance agenda in Gunung Mas. In 2021, the Katingan regency also requested that YTS assist the local government in the formation of a CSR forum in their regency. This shows that the ‘Golden Triangle Approach’ to collaboration is considered by many to be a working solution to the development challenges of this region.