Teori Perubahan

Although robust in its outlook, the ToC nevertheless relies on a number of assumptions about the underlying conditions and/or resources that need to exist in order for change to occur in the way that we hope for. It is essential that:


  • Communities understand the program and are willing to participate
  • Village government remains stable and supportive of the program
  • No significant conflicts nor land disputes occur in the project area
  • No disruption to the supply chain affects the livelihood program


  • Government at the regency, district, and village levels are fully willing to accommodate the program in their mid-term development plans (RPJMD)
  • Changes to government personnel and/or government policies do not negatively affect the development process and the support provided to communities
  • Government is willing to convene multi-stakeholder events
  • Corruption does not undermine the program

Private Sector

  • There is strong support and full commitment for the CSR program from the donor company (KSK) throughout the whole 13-year program period as planned
  • Sufficient numbers of other companies support the program by participating in multi-stakeholder meetings and aligning their CSR programs