Proyek Lainnya

The Gambut Kita Project

The Gambut Kita project is an interdisciplinary research-for-development project. A number of large research and academic organisations are involved from both Australia and Indonesia. The research findings and other supporting literature are available at

The TIFA Project

The TIFA Project: ‘Strengthening Community and Local Government Capacity in the Management of Natural Resources Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH-SDA) to Improve Minimum Service Standards (SPM) in North Barito Regency’ combined top-down and bottom-up approaches to engage partners and beneficiaries from villages and relevant government agencies in North Barito Regency. Capacity building activities were expected to contribute to increasing knowledge, attitudes, and skills in DBH-SDA governance in North Barito Regency. The initial studies on living conditions in the village were conducted through Community-Led Analysis and Planning (CLAP) activities to produce in-depth information about the real conditions in each target village, including mapping of natural resource potential, social and environmental impacts. In Hurung Enep and Beringin Raya village, North Barito, YTS conducted a CLAP with the village groups, followed by a “photovoice” showcase coupled with community-based advocacy training to address local environmental and social problems. The villagers were able to make use of the pictures and stories that they generated as an advocacy tool in meetings with government at village and district level. They also integrated the CLAP results into their RPJMDes (mid-term development planning) document.

Kalimantan Kids Club

The Kalimantan Kids Club (KKC) was established in 1986 by KSK Directors Mansur Geiger and Murray Clapham, along with other members of Susila Dharma Indonesia. KKC provides direct financial support to children from poor families who are actively seeking to continue their high school or university education but cannot afford to do so due to financial hardship. In Gunung Mas Regency, Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta (YTS) has been providing scholarships to struggling students since 1997. In 2011, YTS added Bukit Batu subdistrict in Palangka Raya district to the KKC program area. In 2020, we established the ‘KKC Forum’ with a view to improving informal and extra-curricular social engagement between the students. Currently, 129 beneficiaries are receiving support for the academic year 2023/2024 (99 high school and 30 university students) coming from a total of 36 villages in five subdistricts in Central Kalimantan. Since its visionary inception in 1997, the program has supported more than 735 disadvantaged students through KKC High School and University Scholarships. Learn more about Kalimantan Kids Club at