Welcome to YTS
Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta (YTS) is a community development foundation based in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Established in 1998, we are working to create an enabling environment for sustainable and equitable development in the province.

An inventive, advanced and prosperous society in Central Kalimantan that runs on good governance, and sustainable economic, environmental, and social-cultural development principles, based on true human values guided by the grace of the Almighty God.
- Promote good governance for more sustainable cultural, social, and economic development through strengthening of local potentials;
- Improve the quality of life in the local community through capacity building and research;
- Support the preservation of local rights through raising community awareness.

In recent years, YTS has implemented a wide variety of projects through working partnerships with Asiamet Resources, World Bank, Ford Foundation, Australian Aid, US Aid, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), as well as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and others. YTS is also an active member of the Susila Dharma International (SDI) network: a global affiliation of humanitarian NGOs located on every continent.