Central Kalimantan

In the upper catchments of the Katingan and Kahayan rivers, YTS is working to ensure that regional development takes place in a coordinated manner that embraces the principles of sustainability, social equality, management of biodiversity, economic development and management; and improves the quality of governance in the region.
In our view, the cornerstone of sustainable community development is the quality of governance provided by the formal and informal community organisations in the area. For this reason, our upriver program includes training and institutional support to upgrade the skills of office holders and leaders in various community organisations so that they can more easily practice their new skills and capabilities with good effect.
The YTS development program also helps communities to create village development plans so that residents can access and receive government support that is relevant to their needs. Our program enables citizen engagement in planning, budgeting and other important decision-making processes, and also sponsors events that enable community members to interact more effectively with one another, such as regular meetings, workshops, and cultural events.