Corus Project Closing in Bukit Batu

Starting in April 2022, Corus International has supported the Bukit Batu project, specifically in the capacity building of the Forum Usaha Borneo Nusantara (FUBN) members, with the aim of strengthening the institution. FUBN is an association of 6 groups of farmers called Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) and advisors, which acts as an umbrella organization that helps the farmers with marketing, training and financial aid among other things. With support from Corus, the forum held training and workshops to better understand each of the members’ roles, how to market their products, make accounting reports and other administrative matters. Pak Denie Sien was brought in as a business development consultant (BDC) to assist them on how to run a successful business. Corus’ project ended in September this year, marked with their field visit on September 15th and a closing ceremony on the 23rd . During Corus’ visit, YTS and FUBN accompanied them to see one of the KUB’s garden and fish pond. They also laid the first stone of what would be a FUBN’s storage house, a parting gift from Corus. The closing event was held in Muhammad Subuh Center, Rungan Sari, where Pak Denie reported on his capacity building activities with FUBN and handed over the business work plan to them. The event ended with Corus, through YTS, bestowing a motorized cargo tricycle to FUBN.

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